Unidata Manual 6293 - Precision Water Level Instruments Issue 2.1
The 6541series instruments can be used to monitor water level in a diverse range of
conditions. Typical applications include monitoring water level in:
Rivers, streams, canals, channels, sewers and drains
flow measurement.
Reservoirs and lakes
management and water supply.
Bores, piezometers, springs and soaks
aquifer studies and management.
Harbours and estuaries
tidal and coastal hydrology studies.
Rainfall captured in measuring tanks
long term precipitation data.
Evaporation from measuring pans
automatic evaporation monitoring
The float pulley can be changed to vary the units and resolution of the
2.1 Using the 6541
The 6541 is simple to install and use. At installation all adjustments are made using
the switches located inside the front cover. Each instrument has a LCD display that
shows the water level reading and updates automatically as the water level changes.
The instrument is powered by an internal pack of alkaline batteries with a service
life of more than 12 months. The LCD will flash “Lo Batt.” when the battery pack
nears full discharge and requires replacement.