Precision Water Level Instrument
Unidata Manual 6293 - Precision Water Level Instruments Issue 2.1
The data from the last scan (RAW),
The average of some (ave) or all (AVE) scans or,
The maximum (MAX) or,
The minimum (MIN) scan
For example, with a time based scheme you may want to log the average value
of all scans, and also the maximum during each log period.
Averaging data has the effect of smoothing out minor variations. It is a useful
way of eliminating spikes caused by waves or ripples. Logging an average over
a long period, say one hour, may de-sensitise the data. Using the sub-interval of
say one minute would log the average of the last 1 minute of data in each hour.
Simply select as many log actions as required by checking the box in each
required column on the line next to the instrument’s channel.
Save the scheme you have created, using a name to suit the site or project.