Precision Water Level Instrument
Unidata Manual 6293 - Precision Water Level Instruments Issue 2.1
8.4 Other
There are two other connectors on the Micrologger PCB:
10 Way Header - alternative RS-232 port. The cable can be supplied for this
14 Way Header - connects to the encoder PCB.
8.5 The User Power Supply (UPS)
In the MicroLogger, the UPS may be used in two modes. The default mode
switches the UPS on every scan, with the pre-scan defined in the CDT (default
15ms). The other way is to enable the UPS as programmable (set Byte 10, Bit 3
of the CDT). In this mode, a new instruction is available to control the UPS.
The UPS Instruction has this form (op-code 132):
UPS, #_of_ON_scans, Pre-scan_in_15.625ms_(lsb/msb)
# of On scans = 0 = UPS remains OFF
1 = UPS ON next scan only
2–255 = UPS ON next 2...255 scans
Pre-scan = 0 = UPS turns ON after I/O measurement
1 = UPS turns ON at I/O measurement (no prescan)
2 = UPS turns ON 15ms before I/O measurement
132, 4, 64, 0
This example instruction switches ON the UPS 1 sec (64 * 15ms) before the next
scan and leaves the UPS ON for 3 more Scans (4 in total).
Hardware Setting for UPS Instruction – To use the UPS Instruction, ensure that
Jumper #4 and Jumper #6 are linked. This connects the timer to the UPS counter
and the UPS output to the terminal block.
Pulse and Switch Instructions – Pulse (op-code 24/26) and Switch (op-code
25/27) instructions can be used to program the UPS (Channel #1) if the UPS is
configured in programmable mode (see above). (Channel #0 is the open collector