User’s Manual UTS1000B/T Series
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noise or other random signals, thus highlight the stable signal characteristics in the signal. The higher the
average time, the smoother the trace.
Avg Type:
1. Log-Pwr averaging is to average the logarithmic amplitude values (in dB) of the signal envelope measured
within a signal collection unit; the average detection type will change to video detection.
For random noise, logarithmic averaging = power averaging - 2.5 dB = voltage averaging - 1.45. Therefore,
it reduces the displayed level of the noise (not the true level of the noise) and it is suitable for observing
low-energy narrowband signals, especially those close to the noise.
2. Power averaging is to average the power of the signal (the square of the amplitude); the average
detection type will change to RMS (power) detection. Power averaging is true power for noise. Power
averaging is most suitable for measuring the real-time power of complex signals.
3. Voltage averaging is to average the voltage values of the signal envelope measured in a signal collection
unit; the average detection type will changed to voltage detection. The voltage averaging is still a linear
display, which is suitable for observing the rise and fall of AM signals or pulse modulated signals (e.g.,
radar, TDMA transmitter).
Display Line
: Set the display line level to change the display position. The display line is a reference
horizontal line with an amplitude value equal to the set value, and the corresponding amplitude unit is the
same as the Y-axis unit. User can change the display line level by using the numeric key, rotary knob,
direction key or touch the panel menu.
The display line is a reference horizontal line with an amplitude value equal to the set value, and the
corresponding amplitude unit is the same as the Y-axis unit.
If the display line is outside the visible range, it is displayed at the top or bottom of the grid and indicated by
Limits: Set the parameter of limit. Press [Default] key to turn off the limit value measurement function, but
the limit value data is retained.
1. Select: select the current limit line, 4 limits can be selected, the default limit is 1.
2. Limit
: Turn on/off the limit value line display. When the limit line is opened, the measurement
interface displays the limit line, and the corresponding trace line will test according to the current limit
line. Each limit line is shown in a different color.
3. Test Trace: set the trace for the current limit line test. The default trace is 1.
4. Margin
: Turn on/off margin display. When the margin is opened, the margin line is displayed on
the measurement interface. When it off, the margin is invalid.
5. Type
: Select the type of the current limit line as Upper or Lower. If the trace amplitude is
greater than the upper limit amplitude or smaller than the lower limit amplitude, then the test is failed.
6. Edit limit: Press this key to enter the edit menu and open the limit line edit window. The current limit line
is turned on, the peak table is turned off, and the trace corresponding to the limit line is turned on. This
menu contains as follows,
Select: Select the limit line to be edit. The default limit value is 1.