UT3500 series
User Manual
8.1.6 [Baud] Setting
The instrument has built-in RS-232 and USB-232 interfaces. After the instrument senses
the signal conversion of the RS-232 or USB interface, it immediately communicates with
the host at the set baud rate and the keyboard is locked. In order to communicate correctly,
it is necessary to confirm whether the baud rate and stop bit are set correctly, otherwise
the upper computer cannot communicate correctly.
The RS-232 configuration is as follows:
Data Bits: 8 bits
Stop Bits: 1 bit
Parity Check: none
Baud rate: configurable
Usually communicate with PC, using 1 stop bit.
Setting Steps:
1. Press the [Test] or [Setup] key, and select [SYSTEM CONFIG] with the function key at
the bottom of the screen to enter the < SYSTEM CONFIG> page;
2. Use the cursor keys to move the cursor to the [BAUD] field;
3. According to your own needs, press the function key at the bottom of the screen to
select different baud rates, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200;
4. To communicate with the host computer, it is recommended to use 115200 high-speed
baud rates.
8.1.7 [Communication Protocol] Setting
The instrument supports two communication protocols: SCPl and Modbus (RTU) protocols.
It is usually more convenient to use SCPI to communicate with computers, and to
communicate with industrial control equipment such as PLC, Modbus protocol is easier to
Setting Steps:
1. Press the [Test] or [Setup] key, and select [SYSTEM CONFIG] with the function key at
the bottom of the screen to enter the < SYSTEM CONFIG> page;
2. Use the cursor keys to move the cursor to the [PROTOCOL] field;
3. According to your own needs, press the function key at the bottom of the screen to
select SCPI or Modbus.
8.1.8 Modbus [Address] Selection
If you use Modbus (RTU) protocol, you need to set the address of the computer.
Setting Steps:
1. Press the [Test] or [Setup] key, and select [SYSTEM CONFIG] with the function key at