Level I Programming
Rev A
Setting Day of Week
After setting the Time of Day the banner display will show the word
“Day” followed by an abbreviated day of the week.
SU = Sunday
MO = Monday
TU = Tuesday
WE = Wednesday
TH = Thursday
FR = Friday
SA = Saturday
Use the UP or DOWN arrow buttons to change the flashing day of
week. Press the SET button when the current day of week is flashing.
Setting Regeneration Time
The "Regeneration Time" is the setting which allows the programmer
to select the time of day that regeneration should occur. The words
“Regeneration Time” will scroll through the banner display. To change
the regeneration time press and hold the UP or DOWN button until the
desired regeneration time is displayed. Press SET to lock this time into
When the controller is set up for a twelve hour clock a PM
indicator will illuminate when the displayed time is in the PM hours.
There is no indicator for the AM times.