UCH0053/UCH0054 Operation Manual
Newark, New York | Phone: 315-332-7100 | Fax: 315-331-7800
©2017 Ultralife Corporation • www.ultralifecorp.com • All specific subjects to change without notice
The information contained herein is for reference only and does not constitute a warrant of performance • 08 SEP 17 UBI-05346 REV: -
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The UCH0053/UCH0054 charge module allows for unattended charging of batteries. The module also
assures a safe and effective recharge of the battery. The approximate charge times for recommended
batteries are listed in the table below. The charge time assumes a fully discharged battery and are for
reference only.
CAUTION: Prior to charging any rechargeable battery, verify the type of battery to be charged. The
UCH0053/UCH0054 will safely and completely recharge the batteries listed in the chart below.
Charge Time
Lithium Ion (Li-ION) 12/24 VDC
3 to 5 hours
Lithium Ion (Li-ION) 12/24 VDC
3 to 5 hours
Lithium Ion (Li-ION) 12 VDC
4 to 7 hours
Lithium Ion (Li-ION) 12 VDC
4 to 7 hours
Lithium Ion (Li-ION) 12 VDC
3 to 4 hours
Lithium Ion (Li-ION) 12 VDC
4 to 5 hours
Lithium Ion (Li-ION) 12 VDC
3 to 4 hours
Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 12/24 VDC
12 hours
Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) 12/24 VDC
12 hours
When supplying DC power to the Charger, the recommended voltage range is 18V to 36V. The Charger will
function between 10V and 18V, but at a reduced power output. The battery charge times are doubled
when the Charger receives voltage less than 18VDC.
NOTE: If a battery type is encountered which is not listed in the table above, please contact Ultralife
Corporation at the address or E-mail provided throughout this document.