5. Check the color and the shape of the tip of the material that you have pulled out. Compare it with the pictures below to
see if it looks correct. If not, repeat this process.
Cold pull
1. Take a new piece of PLA and insert it into the print head by hand until you feel some resistance.
2. Hold the piece of PLA with pliers and gently apply pressure to extrude some material.
3. Lower the temperature of the print core to 75 °C. Keep pressure on the material with the pliers until the print core
reaches a temperature of 120 °C.
The slight pressure on the material while cooling down is required to prevent air from entering the nozzle.
4. Wait until the target temperature of 75 °C is reached.
5. Grab the material with pliers and pull it out with a quick, firm pull. The material should now look like this.
1. Insert bowden tube into the print head.
2. Re-attach the clamp clip and keep pressure on the bowden tube while doing this.