Lubricating the axles
To maintain your Ultimaker 3 correctly and keep it running smoothly, it is advised to lubricate the axles periodically. In the
accessory box of your Ultimaker 3 you can find Unilube for the X and Y axles and Magnalube for the Z axle.
Especially in countries with a high humidity or in very dry countries the axles must be lubricated regularly.
X and Y axles
When you notice small ridges on the surfaces of your 3D printed objects or feel that the X and Y axles are dry, it is advised
to apply some Unilube to the X and Y axles. Put a single drop on each of the X and Y axles and manually move the print
head to distribute the oil over the axles.
Only use Unilube on the X and Y axles. Using other oils or Magnalube may affect the coating of the axles.
Z axle
Magnalube (grease supplied with the Ultimaker 3) can be used for lubricating the Z axle. This must be done approximately
once every six months. Spread about ten drops of grease over the entire threaded rod and move the build plate up and
down to distribute the grease over it.
Do not put Magnalube on any of the other axles as this will affect the working of your Ultimaker 3.