Export Recent Log Report
To output the log report in recent 1 to 28 days via USB port to a USB drive.
Export Report from a Period of Time
To output the log report of a period time via USB port to a USB drive.
How to Print Out Eraser Report
Connect printers to printout reports via console port
RS232 console port of the eraser connects to printer to printout real-time eraser report of
each port. Log report can be printed from
Printout eraser report for each working port immediately after erasing tasks passed.
When users do not want to print real-time log, just turn off the printer.
The Eraser printer supports printing language either Chinese or English.
How to Print out Proof:
Print Erase Report via POS Printer
1. Connect the TP Eraser to HDDs for disposal. Execute one Erase mode. After Erase
completed, the tasks record working information to the HDD of each port.
Erase HDDs
2. Attach TP Erase to one POS printer via console port.