NORA-W10 series - System integration manual
UBX-22005601 - R04
Regulatory compliance
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KCC South Korea compliance
Approvals are pending for NORA-W101 and NORA-W106.
NORA-W10 series modules are certified by the Korea Communications Commission (KCC).
End products based on NORA-W10 series modules and targeted for distribution in South Korea must
carry labels containing the KCC logo and certification number, as shown below. This information must
also be included in the product user manuals.
The height of the KCC logo must be at least 5 mm.
Brazil compliance
Approvals are pending for NORA-W101 and NORA-W106.
End products based on NORA-W10 series modules and targeted for distribution in Brazil must carry
labels that include the ANATEL logo, NORA/W10 Homologation number: xxxxx-yy-zzzzz and a
statement claiming that the device may not cause harmful interference but must accept it
(Resolution No 506).
Statement translation:
“This equipment operates on a secondary basis and, consequently, must accept harmful interference,
including from stations of the same kind, and may not cause harmful interference to systems
operating on a primar
y basis.”
When the device is so small or for such use that it is not practicable to place the statement above on
the label, the information shall be placed in a prominent location in the instruction manual or pamphlet
supplied to the user or, alternatively, shall be placed on the container in which the device is marketed.
In cases where the final product is to be installed in locations where the end user is unable to see the
ANATEL logo, NORA-W10 Homologation number and/or statement, these graphical and textual
elements must be included in the end product manual.
“Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é,
não tem direito a proteção contra interferência prejudicial,
mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar
interferência a sistemas operando em
caráter primário.”