NORA-W10 series - System integration manual
UBX-22005601 - R04
Regulatory compliance
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The following requirements apply to all products that integrate a radio module:
To verify that the composite device of host and module complies with the requirements of
FCC part 15B the integrator shall perform sufficient measurements using equipment
compliant with ANSI 63.4-2014.
The integrator must carry out sufficient verification measurements, using compliant ANSI
63.10-2013 equipment, to validate that the fundamental and out-of-band emissions of the
transmitter part of the composite device comply with the requirements of FCC part 15C.
When the items listed above are fulfilled, the end product manufacturer can use the authorization
procedures as mentioned in Table 1 of 47 CFR Part 15.101, before marketing the end product.
This means the customer has to either market the end product under a Suppliers Declaration of
Conformity (SDoC) or to certify the product using an accredited test lab.
Co-location (simultaneous transmission)
If the module is to be co-located with another transmitter, additional measurements for simultaneous
transmission is required. The results must be added to the grant file as a Class II Permissive Change.
Adding a new antenna for authorization
If the authorized antennas and/or antenna trace design cannot be used, the new antenna and/or
antenna trace designs must be added to the grant file. This is done by a Class I Permissive Change or
a Class II Permissive Change, depending on the specific antenna and antenna trace design.
Antennas of the same type and with less or same gain as an already approved antenna can be
added under a Class I Permissive Change.
Antenna trace designs deviating from the u-blox reference design and new antenna types are
added under a Class II Permissive Change.
Integrators who want to refer to the u-blox FCC ID / IC certification ID should
support team to discuss the Permissive Change Process. Class II Permissive Changes will be
subject to NRE costs.
Japan radio equipment compliance
Compliance statement
NORA-W10 series modules comply with the Japanese Technical Regulation Conformity Certification
of Specified Radio Equipment (ordinance of MPT N°. 37, 1981), Article 2, Paragraph 1:
Item 19 "2.4 GHz band wide band low power data communication system".
End product labelling requirement
End products based on NORA-W10 series modules and targeted for distribution in Japan must be
affixed with a label with the “Giteki” marking, as shown in
. The marking must be visible for
Figure 14: Giteki mark R and NORA-W10 MIC certification number