Rx Rate
- This is the receive rate of this unit. Same analysis as Tx
rate. If either rate is too low and signal level is OK, need to reset to
factory defaults, power cycle and then change channels. Problems
can also be associated with multipath where you have a reflection
that cancels out received signals. This is common on a unit that is
mounted too close to a metal wall or a metal roof. The only option is
to move the unit away from the wall or the roof.
Power Settings
–This shows the current power settings of the unit.
The only time you would need to be concerned about power is if the
signal level is too high.
Attain IP Protocol
-This displays if the unit is set to fixed IP or
DHCP client. If set to DHCP client the unit will try to get it’s IP ad-
dress from the upstream router. It will only try to get it’s IP address
upon power up or upon making any changes to the unit configura-
tion. If it doesn’t get it’s IP address it will revert to the IP address
that is programmed into the unit.
IP Address and Subnet Mask
- Displays the current IP address
and subnet mask.
Default Gateway
–This setting is not used in point to point bridge
mode. You need to set a default gateway if you use the unit as a
DHCP server, otherwise you don’t need to worry about this setting.
All zeros is fine.
DHCP Server
–Shows the status of the on-board DHCP server.
Since there should be only one DHCP server on any network node,
this is by default disabled.
MAC Address
–This is the MAC address of this unit
Port Status
–Shows the status of the Ethernet port (the wired port)
and at what speed it is connected to your computer, switch or router