Figure 2-26
floppy is enabled in the BIOS.
Floppy Drive Fail message at bootup: the cable, floppy, or motherboard may
be faulty. Try another cable or floppy drive to verify.
Light on the floppy is on constantly: a dead giveaway that the cable is on
backwards. Reverse the cable at the motherboard end and try again.
6. Installing Add-on Cards
There are a few rules you need to follow when plugging in a card. In order to
assure proper operation and a quick installation, adhere to these guidelines:
If you are going to install a PCI-Bus interface card on your system,
be aware that any one of the 4 PCI slots can support a Master
or Slave device.
NEVER force a card into a slot. If it doesnt fit, look at the socket
on the computer to make sure there are no wires or other
obstructions to the slot.
NEVER plug an ISA card into a PCI slot or a PCI card in an ISA
slot. You will void your warranty and damage your system board if
you do this.
When plugging the card in, especially when installing long cards,
try to push the entire card in at one time. Dont force one end of
the card into the socket first and then the other. This will create a
rocking motion between the card and the slot and it will damage the
pins within the socket.
Make sure that the cards are seated securely into the slots.
Before turning on the system, make sure no cards are touching
Chapter 2
Board Installation