Currently, the retention module recommended for securing the SECC2 CPU is
included in the motherboard package. The retention braces consist of two
small components that resemble bookends. (See Figure 2-14 below)
The first installation step is to set the
retention braces properly against the sides
of the CPU. The lower tabs of the alumi-
num heat sink and the bottom corners of
the plastic enclosure should loosely fit
within the two slits of the braces.
Figures 2-15 below show a top view and side view of a retention brace
positioned against one side of the SECC2 CPU.
When both braces are properly positioned, press both braces against the
sides of the CPU and carefully lift them over the CPU slot on the motherboard.
Warning - Because the braces are loosely held against the CPU, they can
easily fall off
. You must hold both braces against the CPU while lifting all
three components above the motherboard. (See Figure 2-16 on the following
Figure 2-14
Figure 2-15
Chapter 2
Board Installation