Rev: 2015.06.28.v01c
page 22
Stick the two pieces together. Make
sure they are fully engaged and
perpendicular to each other. Set aside
in a safe place to dry.
While the tail section is drying, the
lower right side of the fuselage can be
attached. Use the Wet Welders Method.
Make sure and get glue in all the tabs,
slots and motor mount areas.
Fit the together as shown above, check
that the two pieces are square to each
other and that tabs and slots are fully
engaged. Let dry for an hour or so
before handling.
Slide the SMALLER of the two pieces
into the rearward foam slots, one side
at a time as pictured above.
Squeeze some Welders into the two
rearward slots as shown above.
Locate the wood parts shown above.
These are the parts for the battery tray
and will be assembled onto belly of the
fuselage. Sand lightly if needed to get
the parts to t together.