Rev: 2015.06.28.v01c
page 21
Locate the Elevator, 1x3x330mm
Carbon Spar and horn. Note some kits
will have the spar installed from the
top, others from the bottom. It does not
matter just use the pre cut slot
Make sure that the Elevator horn slot is
deep enough to accommodate the base
of the horn. In some cases it will need
to be made a little deeper. HORN
Make sure the spar is ush with the
elevator surface and position the horn
so that the hole is over the hinge line.
Once everything is in place, secure with
thin CA and kicker
Next, assemble the elevator and rudder
together using the Wet Welders Method.
Horn installs from the side shown
above, make sure the hole in the horn
is directly above the hinge line.
Repeat the process for the Rudder
Horn. Above the slit is being cut thru to
allow for the tment of the horn.