GUSSET ADJUSTER STRAP (BCJ-7000, 6910, 6900, 5960)
Side gusset of bladder can be adjusted to the proper buoyancy by tightening
(increase) or loosing (decrease) the gusset adjuster strap. (Fig. 68)
To control your ascent when drawing your weight cartridges, release one side at a
time. Often, it may not be necessary to draw both weights to ascend safetly.
The release handles are difficult to view while diving , so it is important that you
practice and become familiar with the location and shape of the weight release
handle prior to each dive.
Always notify your diving instructor or diving buddy that you are using a B.C.J. with
a Weight Loading System.
(Fig. 68)
*ADJUSTING THE ANCHOR BELT LENGTH (BCJ-9300, 5560, 3860, 4000)
(Fig. 67)
If you fill the cartridge up completely with weights, the pocket of the bladder tends to
hang down under the weight. To compensate for this, tighten the strap on the anchor
belt so that you feel a little weight. (Fig. 67)