U s e A n d M a i n t e n a n c e I n s t r u c t i o n s
E c o n o m i z e r E 8 T 1 6 O u t p u t C h a n n e l s
I n M n E E 8 T
e n R e v . 0 0
T U R B O S r l
D u s t F i l t e r C o m p o n e n t s
V i a P o 3 3 / 3 5 2 0 8 1 1 C e s a n o M a d e r n o ( M B ) I t a l y T e l + + 3 9 0 3 6 2 5 7 4 0 2 4 F a x + + 3 9 0 3 6 2 5 7 4 0 9 2
1 7
Tribo Electric Probe
For the E8T versions were is provided.
Press the
key in the home page.
Use the arrows
to select Counters.
Use the arrows
to select the item to be set.
Use keys
to increase or decrease the value and change the item
conditions. Press
to save and exit.
Tribo Electr ic Pr obe
Alar ms
Paramet ers
Facto ry Setting
Pre-Alarm Threshold
0.01 mg/m³
Pre-Alarm Time
Multiple of 0.5 Sec.
Threshold Alarm
0.01 mg/m³
Time Alarm Recognition
Multiple of 0.5 Sec.
Threshold Peak
0.01 mg/m³
Time Recognition Peak
Multiple of 0.5 Sec.
Reference Emissions
0.01 mg/m³
Reference µ Ampere
0.001 mA
The alarms generated by the electric Tribo probe activate the K3 relay at the 4_5
terminals of the P4 connector.
The relay is normally closed, opens in case of alarm, and opens to the control
unit off in the absence of power.
The Pre-Alarm and Alarm parameters are understood as:
Sets a value that indicates that the quantity of emissions tolerated
was exceeded.
Time of
Sets the time interval duration in which emissions above the critical
threshold should remain before being reported.
Setting an alarm value, a peak of moments is not reported as a
warning, but the warning only occurs if a value is high and
permanent over time.