Turbo Ace MATRIX
Walkera Devo 10 Transmitter
If you have purchased an RTF package
, please skip Section 4.1 through 4.5
because all settings are already complete and your MATRIX and transmitter have
been paired and test flown as a set. Unless you are familiar with the settings, any
changes might override the factory’s setting and disable the aircraft, affecting its
performance and flight reliability.
If you have purchased an ARF package
, you must complete Section 4.1 ESC
Programming and Section 4.2 Transmitter Calibration. MATRIX ESCs needs to
reprogram independently. Also, in order for a flight controller to work properly, your
specific transmitter has to be calibrated to work with each new MATRIX. Crashes
will be imminent if you skip these one-time procedures to match a MATRIX with a
4.1 ESC Programming for Transmitter (A Must Setup For ARF)
Video Instruction:
How to calibrate the ESC for MATRIX:
Please skip this ESC programming step if you have purchased RTF unit, since all
ESC have been re-programmed. Please follow the steps below very carefully, as they
will only take a few minutes.
Very important: Remove all 4 propellers from the motors for safety.
Double check to make sure all ESC connectors are marked/labeled (#1
through #4 matching the connectors on the flight controller #1 through #4)
so that you will be able to keep track of the corresponding connectors when
you need to put them back later.
Disconnect all 4 ESC connectors from the NAZA flight controller so they
may not interfere with each other’s programming.
Move the throttle stick all the way down. Now turn on the transmitter.