Your heat pump will allow you to realize substantial savings compared to other means of heating your pool. Even if
it has a lower heating capacity (BTU / h), which forces it to operate up to 24 hours a day in some cases, the heat
pump remains the most inexpensive way to heat your pool, thanks to the use of advanced techniques in
Your heat pump works the same way as a water pump. While the water pump transfers water from one place to
another, your heat pump transfers heat between the air and the water in your pool. Your heat pump does not produce
heat, just like a water pump does not produce water with the energy it consumes. Thus it is possible to achieve
yields of up to 600% or 700% under optimum conditions, or a COP of between 6 and 7. In other words, for every
kilowatt that your heat pump uses, it transfers up to 6 or 7 kilowatts between the air and the water in your pool. This
compares favourably with the 80% to 95% yield of a traditional gas, oil or electric pool water heater. However, it is
true that the performance of traditional pool water heaters remains constant regardless of weather conditions, while
that of heat pump varies. But even when temperatures are cooler, the heat pump continues to transfer energy and it
remains advantageous in night time temperatures as low as 5°C (41°F).