• The communication between the Mobile
Station and the locomotive is disrupted. This
can be caused by bad contacts to or in the
locomotive. It can help to run the locomotive a
few centimeters or inches down the track or to
turn the locomotive around on the track.
• An incorrect digital format was selected (ex-
ample: a pure DCC decoder read with SX1).
• A second locomotive or another user (lighted
cars, etc.) is on the track.
• The motor for the locomotive in question has
become dirty from operation and has disrup-
ted the communication between the decoder
and the Mobile Station.
The desired digital format with which the locomo-
tive is to be read and/or programmed is selected
in the first step. The available digital formats are
SX1 (corresponds to the former Selectrix digital
format), SX2 (corresponds to the new Selectrix
digital format), or DCC.
During the reading and programming process the
symbol for the selected protocol (SX1, SX2, or
DCC) appears in the display.
It is normal with the DCC format for a loco-
motive being addressed during the reading
process to move down the track a bit. This can
also happen in Selectrix operation.
After the DCC format has been selected, the
parameter (CV) to be read is retrieved as a three-
digit number, in which each of the 3 digits must be
displayed individually. After the CV in question has
been selected, this CV will be read from the loco-
motive decoder. The result is displayed again as a
three-digit number, and it can be changed or it can
be confirmed without changes. These parameters
are then written to the decoder again. The program-
ming menu can be quit with the ESC button.
With the Mobile Station you have access to all
possible CV‘s available (and not blocked) in
the decoder. Changing CV‘s requires know-
ledge of the settings associated with them
(see also the documentation for the decoder).
Incorrect settings can cause extensive disrup-
tion of the decoder‘s functions.
A long DCC address can be assigned under „DCC
LG-ADR“ (if the locomotive is to be operated with
this address, Bit 5 must also be set in Bit 5). After
this submenu has been called up, the address cur-
rently set in the decoder is read and displayed as a
four-digit number. This address can be changed or
it can be confirmed without changes, and it is then
written to the decoder. The programming menu
can be quit with the ESC button.
Other parameters cannot be processed in this
submenu. To do this, please go to the submenu
Long addresses are entered with CV 17 and
18 (see Appendix). This extremely complex
entry is simplified by this menu. Here, only the
four-digit address needs to be entered; the
programming of CV 17 and 18 occurs in the
After the SX1 format has been selected, the para-
meters for the decoder are read (see Appendix).
These can be changed individually or can be con-
firmed without changes. After all of the parameters
have been confirmed, these parameters are written
to the locomotive decoder again. The program-
ming menu can be quit with the ESC button.
After the SX2 format has been selected, the para-
meter to be read (PA) is retrieved as a three-digit
number, in which each of the 3 digits is displayed
individually. After the PA in question has been
selected, it is read out of the locomotive decoder.
The result is again displayed as a three-digit num-
ber, and it can be changed or confirmed without
changes. These parameters are then written to
the locomotive decoder again. The programming
menu can be quit with the ESC button.
This menu is used to set the digital format in
which the Mobile Station sends data to the track.
You can select between SX1 (Selectrix), DCC,
and SX1+2+DCC (mixed operation). The menu
point „NEXT“ is used to switch to the next digital
format. After the desired format has been selec-
ted, pressing once on the control knob will take
you back to the operating menu. If two Mobile
Stations are connected to the layout, the altered
digital format in both Mobile Stations can be
confirmed by pressing once on the control knob.
You may have problems with mixed operation,
when you use multi-protocol decoders (decoders
that can be used for Selectrix and DCC). We
recommend in such situations that you use pure
Selectrix or pure DCC operation.