Trividia Health Healthy Tracks for Pets Test Buddy Скачать руководство пользователя страница 6


Contact End

Insert into meter test port with 

blocks (contacts) facing up.

Sample Tip

Touch sample tip to top of 

blood or control solution drop.

Getting to Know Your System - 

Test Strip

Test Strip Vial Label 

(Example only)

  LOT R-758
  EXP 2023/10/31

1 31-61  mg/dL


2  87-117 mg/dL


3  254-344 mg/dL

 X3HTK04 Rev. 1



50 Test Strips

Manufactured by: Trividia Health, Inc.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 U.S.A.

Use only with

Test Buddy



Recap vial immediately upon removing

a test strip. 

For home and professional/

veterinary clinic use for monitoring blood

glucose samples taken from dogs and cats.


in vitro

 diagnostic use only. For use

with fresh, capillary or fresh, venous whole

blood samples taken from a dog or cat.


Store in a dry place at room temperature

below 86°F. 



Read instructions for use

before testing.

Chemical Composition: 



(Aspergillus species)

mediators, buffer, and stabilizers.

May 8, 2023

Lot Number
Printed Expiration Date

Control Solution Ranges

Control solution result must fall within this range for 

the level you are using. 


 This is not the target range for your pet’s blood glucose.

•  Read the Test Strip Instructions for Use
 before testing.

Close vial immediately after removing a test strip.

•  Do not

 apply sample drop (blood or

control solution) to the top of the test strip.

•  Do not

 smear or scrape the sample drop

with the test strip.

•  Do not

 apply more sample to the test strip after testing begins.

•  Do not

 insert the sample tip with blood or control solution into the meter test port as this 

may damage the meter.

•  Do not

 use test strips past the expiration date. Write the date on the label when you open 

a new test strip vial. Discard test strips after the printed expiration date (


) or the open 

vial expiration date has passed, whichever comes fi rst (see the 

Test Strip Instructions for Use 

for instructions on determining the open vial expiration date).

•  Do not

 bend, cut, or alter test strips in any way.


Store test strips in original vial only. 

Do not

 transfer test strips to a new vial or store 

outside the vial. 


Store in a dry place at room temperature below 86°F. 

Do not refrigerate or freeze.

Write the date on the label

when you open a new vial.





PetMeterOwnersBooklet_XE4HTK03r1.indd   5

7/27/20   14:43

Содержание Healthy Tracks for Pets Test Buddy

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Страница 2: ...andingBloodGlucoseTestResults 14 LoandHiResultsDisplay 14 MeterMemory 15 ViewingResults 15 ViewingAverages 15 QualityControlTesting 16 AutomaticSelf Test 16 ControlSolutionTest 16 MeterCleaningandDisi...

Страница 3: ...TAbloodcollectiontube Ashortdrawinto anEDTAcollectiontubethatislessthanhalfofthedesignatedfillvolumemaycause falselylowresults TestBuddyPet MonitoringBloodGlucoseMetercanbeusedonmultipledogsandcats Te...

Страница 4: ...emonitoringbloodglucose Donotuseforthescreeningordiagnosisofdiabetes Bloodglucosevaluesareaffectedbystress meals exercise health andmedications Severe dehydrationandexcessivewaterlossmaycauseinaccurat...

Страница 5: ...Removetheprotectiveplasticoverlayonthedisplayscreenbefore usingthemeterforthefirsttime StripReleaseButton Pushtoreleaseteststripaftertesting TestPort Insertteststriphere BackofMeter BatteryDoorUsesone...

Страница 6: ...tionDate ControlSolutionRanges Controlsolutionresultmustfallwithinthisrangefor thelevelyouareusing Note Thisisnotthetargetrangeforyourpet sbloodglucose Important ReadtheTestStripInstructionsforUsebefo...

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Страница 15: ...eepingresultswithinthetargetrangehelps sloworstopcomplicationsofdiabetes NEVERchangeyourpet streatmentplanwithouttheadviceofaveterinarian Lo and Hi Results Display Important Themeterreadsbloodglucosel...

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Страница 17: ...sforUseprovidedwiththeTestBuddyControlSolutionbottlebeforeusing Performcontroltests topracticebeforeusingthesystemtotestbloodglucoseforthefirsttimetoensure testingtechniqueisgood afteropeninganewvialo...

Страница 18: ...aftertheprintedexpiration date EXP ortheopenvialexpirationdate haspassed whichevercomesfirst seethe TestStripInstructionsforUseforinstructions ondeterminingtheopenvialexpirationdate Examplesonly May 8...

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Страница 20: ...intoasuitablewastecontainer LOT R 758 EXP 2023 10 31 1 31 61 mg dL 2 87 117 mg dL 3 254 344 mg dL X3HTK04 Rev 1 T MONITORING OOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS 0 Test Strips ufacturedby TrividiaHealth Inc auderd...

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Страница 26: ...eststrip or Teststripoutsideofvial toolong or Sampleplacedontopof teststrip Retestwithanewteststrip Makesurethe teststripsampletiptouchesthetopofthe sampledrop Iftheerrorreappears contactCustomer Care...

Страница 27: Careforassistance Lowbattery Replacebattery Brokendisplay Donotusethemeter ContactCustomer Careforassistance Outofrangehighresult 600mg dL WARNING Retestwithanewteststrip IftheresultisstillLoorHi c...

Страница 28: ...shut off Aftertwominutesofnon use Weight 1 7oz Size 3 41 x2 16 x0 66 MemorySize 1000bloodglucoseandcontroltestresultswithdateandtime OperatingRange Meter TestStrips Usewithinspecifiedenvironmentalcond...

Страница 29: ...hemeter musthavetheBluetoothSMARTfeatureturnedonandyourmobiledevicemusthavethe TestBuddyAppinstalled Themetercanbepairedwithuptofour 4 mobiledevices Gotowww testbuddymeter comformoreinformationon TheT...

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Страница 32: ...Inc The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG Inc and any use of such marks by Trividia Health Inc is under license Other trademarks and trade names are those...
