Maintenance and Adjustment
1 Wheel marking
2 Tyre marking
This motorcycle is equipped with
tubeless tyres, valves and wheel
rims. Use only tyres marked
’TUBELESS' and tubeless valves on
rims marked `SUITABLE FOR
Tyre Inflation Pressures
Correct inflation pressure will provide
maximum stability, rider comfort and
tyre life. Always check tyre
pressures before riding when the
tyres are cold. Check tyre pressures
daily and adjust if necessary. See
the specification section for details of
the correct inflation pressures.
Tyre Wear
As the tyre tread wears down, the
tyre becomes more susceptible to
punctures and failure. It is estimated
that 90% of all tyre problems occur
during the last 10% of tread life (90%
worn). It is, therefore, false economy
and unsafe to use tyres until they are
worn to their minimum.
Incorrect tyre inflation will cause
abnormal tread wear and instability
problems that may lead to loss of
control and an accident.
Under-inflation may result in the
tyre slipping on, or coming off the
rim. Over-inflation will cause
instability and accelerated tread
Both conditions are dangerous as
they may cause loss of control
leading to an accident.