AP Software Configuration via Web Interface
Access Point Deployment Guide
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Community Specifies SNMPv2c community string (password) for read-write access to the
full tree of SNMP managed objects. The default value is Private.
Minimum Security
Specifies SNMPv3 minimum security level. From the dropdown menu, the options are:
No Auth No Priv:
Allows unauthenticated requests.
Auth No Priv:
Allows authenticated requests without privacy or encryption.
Auth Priv:
Allows authenticated requests with privacy to enforce use of encryption.
User Name
Specifies an SNMPv3 user that will be allowed read-only or read-write access to the full
tree of SNMP-managed objects on the AP.
Specifies the hash algorithm to use for authentication of SNMPv3 requests. From the
dropdown menu, the options are:
: The cryptographic hash function as specified by IETF RFC 1321.
: The Secure Hash Algorithm function as specified by NIST standard FIPS 180-4.
Specifies the passphrase used for authentication of SNMPv3 requests.
Privacy Protocol
Specifies the privacy protocols to use for encryption of SNMPv3 requests. From the
dropdown menu, the options are:
: The Data Encryption Standard algorithm for encryption as specified by NIST
standard FIPS 46-3.
: The Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm for encryption as specified by
NIST standard FIPS PUB 197.
Privacy Password
Specifies the passphrase used for encryption of SNMPv3 requests.
To increase network security, it is recommended that you check the boxes to “Disable
Telnet login” and “Enable SSL for Sockets.” It is also recommended that you
change the default passwords for the following fields:
Admin Password
Write Community
Authentication Password
Privacy Password