Technical Design-in Guide Engine LLE G2 PRE KIT | 03-2020 | 1.2 | en
Power-up fading
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8.3. Power-up Fading
8.3.1. Description
The power-up fading function offers the opportunity to realise a soft start. The soft start will be applied at turning on the mains and
at starts by switchDIM. The function is programmed as a DALI fade time in the range from 0.7 to 16 seconds and dims in the selected
time from 0% to the power-on level.
By factory default power-up fading is not active (0 seconds).
8.3.2. Commissioning
Procedure via the masterCONFIGURATOR
Further information can be found in the masterCONFIGURATOR manual (see
Open dialog box "Tridonic-specific configuration"
Click tab "Power-up Fading"
Choose value from drop-down menu "Power-up Fading"
Click "save"
-> Changes are saved