Product manual EM converterLED ST | 08-2018 | 1.0 | en
Determining light output in emergency operation
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7.3. Parameter 3: Light output in emergency operation
The ratio between emergency operation and normal operation is the same for light output and LED current. The values for normal
operation can be found in the LED module data sheet, the value for the LED current in emergency operation can be found in the data
sheet (see example above).
With this equation the light output in emergency operation can be isolated and calculated:
7.3.1. Example 1: 1 LED module DLE
LED current in emergency operation: approx. 85 mA (minimum value) and approx. 111 mA (maximum value) (taken from the
previous example, see
Example 1: 1 LED module DLE
, p. 31
LED current in mains operation 750 mA (taken from data sheet DLE G3 2000 lm, Article number: 89600574)
Light output in mains operation: 2,100 lm (taken from data sheet DLE G3 2000 lm, Article number: 89600574)
Light output in emergency operation?
Minimum light output in emergency operation = 85 mA / 750 mA * 2,100 lm = 238 lm
Maximum light output in emergency operation = 111 mA / 750 mA * 2,100 lm = 310.8 lm
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