Page 41
Figure 29: Alarm inputs: Inputs tab configuration.
Input operation mode:
Alarm inputs and 2. Wiegand interface lines are multiplex, to use it
alarm input mode, select
Input 1 mode:
User can select between different options of the input sensor configuration.
Input 1 timer delay before sending SMS (seconds):
Minimum time for a valid ACTIVE
status on the input. Signal levels below this time are disregarded.
Input 2 mode:
User can select between different options of the input sensor configuration.
Input 2 timer delay before sending SMS (seconds):
Minimum time for a valid ACTIVE
status on the input. Signal levels below this time are disregarded.
Location identification:
Text used in the SMS header send to the user in case of activity on
alarm inputs.
Input 1 identification:
Text used in the SMS sub header send to the user in case of activity
on 1 alarm input.
Input 2 identification:
Text used in the SMS sub header send to the user in case of activity
on 2 alarm input.
In second step the user must defined the numbers that will receive the alarm SMS. Multiple choices
are valid.