Memory Hold At 15M-16M
Enabling this feature reserves memory address space from 15MB to 16MB to ISA expansion
cards that specifically require this setting. This makes the memory from 15MB and up
unavailable to the system. Expansion cards can only access memory up to 16MB. The
default is “Disabled”.
Passive Release
ISA access speed is lower than PCI access speed. While power on, the ISA interface
would release master bus control. The master bus control will go back ISA until other
device accesses data.
Delayed Transaction
PCI access speed is faster than ISA. So PCI would release master bus to ISA interface for
accessing data. Then the master bus control would go back to PCI again.
AGP Aperture Size (MB)
Select the size of the Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) aperture.The aperture is a portion
of the PCI memory address range dedicated to graphics memory address space. Host
cycles that hit the aperture range are forwarded to the AGP without any translation. For
more information, please refer to www.agpforum.org for AGP information.
CPU Host/PCI Clock (CPU/PCI)
This function allows you to set the FSB frequency of the CPU and the speed of PCI bus.
When JP2 is set to 66MHz, then default FSB is 66MHz, and there are several options
under 100MHz available. When JP2 is set to 100MHz, then the default FSB is 100MHz,
and there are also several options above 100MHz available for you to choose.
CPU Warning Temperature
Enable this item to protect the CPU from overheating.
Current CPU Temperature
This item will show the current CPU temperature.
Current Power FAN Speed
This item will show the fan speed of the power supply in RPM.
Current CPU FAN Speed
This item will show the fan speed of the CPU in RPM.
Current CASE FAN Speed
This item will show the fan speed of the case in RPM.