In an automated building control system, points are the building blocks used to create a control
system.They are used in setpoints, controlling outputs on a device, reading the values of hardware
inputs and holding calculated data.
The Points page contains all points that have been created for theTracer SC. Use the point-labeled
tabs to view either analog, binary, or multistate points. From there you can select the point type:
input, output, or value. Select a point name in the list to open the associated status page.
Point Types
TheTracer SC classifies points according to one of three types (analog, binary, multistate) and one
of three functions (input, output, value). In total, there are nine point types:
Analog inputs—These are typically values such as room temperature or air flow pressure
generated by a sensor or device. Inputs points obtain their value from a selected referencer.
Input points are typically used to read values from other controllers such as LonTalk devices or
unit controller input points.
Analog outputs—These are used to control devices such as damper actuators or water valves,
or to provide setpoints to control other devices. Analog outputs can be controlled and
overridden by using priority control.
Analog values—These are points that have real number values. Analog values do not contain
referencers but can be controlled and overridden by using priority control. Value points are
typically used for calculated values or setpoints.
Figure 1.
Points page