TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK VMC Mills with ProtoTRAK RMX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
Figure 5.1.4d
Make sure the cable is safe the way it is routed from the SSD card to the circuit board connections.
The cable should be loose and not bound on a metal corner, cover or another object. Reattach
the cover and firm the bolts. They do not need to be very tight. Power up the VMC and test the
installation by inserting a removable USB drive into either USB port inside an alcove along the right
edge of the pendant. Copy from the removeable USB (Usually Drive E) to the new SSD memory
(Drive D) to make sure the new memory card is working by sliding the Programming screen at the
lower right corner to open the keyboard pop up. Press the Windows key on the lower left hand
corner of the keyboard to bring up Windows Menu. Select Devices & Printers and the Device Display
lists the USB. Copy a test file from the USB to drive D the new memory card.
5.1.5 Cable Routing on Machine
Whenever you replace a cable or reroute a cable it is very important to keep the power cables and logic
cables separated from each other. The power cables consist of the (3) 208-volt motor cables and (2)
208-volt power cables for the Computer Module and a coolant pump or lube pump cable. The logic
cables are used to carry encoder signals between the servos and computer module. Mixing of the power
and logic cables may cause noise from the power cables to interrupt the signals in the logic cables. This
can lead to intermittent axis faults or repeatability problems.
5.1.6 Electronic Handwheel Option
VMC has the option to have X, Y and Z handwheels included with your mill. The handwheels are mounted
on the machine by the use of 4 SHCS.