TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK VMC Mills with ProtoTRAK RMX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
Installation Checklist
21. If you have the EHW option then perform these checks:
Make sure the EHW’s on
each axis work properly in FINE and COURSE mode.
In Tool Room Ops, pull out the Z EHW from its parked position and move the head up as high
as it can go and confirm you get a flashing Z EHW SOFT LIMIT message.
In Production Ops, pull out the Z EHW from its parked position and try to run a program.
Verify the control produces a fault message stating the Z EHW must be parked.
22. Final test each axis by using the JOG button. Verify the machine does not hit the hard
stop on the machine. Re-adjust Home switch cam if it does. If the Z axis is adjusted, then
service code 501 may need to be performed. The soft limits are set in service code 505,
adjust as required but this should come from the factory with no changes necessary.
23. Install Y axis way cover bracket between front and rear way cover. Install the lower 3
sheet metal skirt covers on the front and sides of the machine.
24. Check to make sure that the E-Stop button is functioning correctly.
Turn spindle on and power feed an axis. Press the E-stop button during this operation and
verify the spindle and axis stops. You will need to press the POWER RESET button once this
is done.
Make sure the Z axis does not move when the E-stop is pressed. The brake on the Z axis
motor will hold the head.
25. Turn the auger (chip conveyor) (an option on VMC5) on in the forward and reverse
directions and make sure it turns in the correct direction. You need to hold the REVERSE key
down for the auger to turn in reverse. FWD should cause the auger motor to turn CCW when
viewing from the rear of the motor.
26. Turn the coolant wash pump on and make sure it rotates in the correct direction
Coolant coming out of the wash down nozzles is not an indication that the
pump is turning in the proper direction. Observe the direction of the motor fan.
27. Install the coolant and the air hoses to the front of the machine. Confirm the bracket to
hold these hoses is installed on the right side of the pendant enclosure. Confirm both hoses
work and do not leak.
28. Turn the coolant pump on by pressing the coolant ON button and make sure it rotates in
the correct direction (Clockwise).
Coolant coming out of the nozzles is not an indication
that the pump is turning in the proper direction. Observe the direction of the motor fan.
29. Turn the AIR blast on by pressing the Air ON button. Open and close the valves and
make sure there are no leaks.
30. Is the spindle motor fan running? Is it turning in the correct direction? Air should be
blowing up and away from the motor.