Infrared People Counter
Infrared People Counter
Model: OmniCounter
Model: OmniCounter
Traf-Sys/Walker Wireless, Inc | 190 Industry Drive – Pittsburgh, PA 15275
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Ph: 888-815-6568 | Fax: 928-222-7279 |
5. Test your sensors by walking through the entrance or otherwise breaking the
beam path.
6. If your sensors successfully generated counts, congratulations, you have
successfully replaced the batteries in your sensors. If you were unable to
generate counters, please refer to the Troubleshooting section of this
document then contact Traf-Sys/Walker Wireless technical support if you
require further assistance.
Figure 11
OmniCounter Accessories
MIU-1000 or CompuCount data controller
3.6 volt lithium AA battery
Visicount server software (requires data controller)
Traf-Sys Data Hosting and Support Services (requires data controller)