`ongratulations on the purchase of your qraeger tood mellet drillI jodel BBnNRMK
tith proper setJupI operationI and maintenanceI this grill will provide you with delicious
food and years of cooking enjoymentK
qhe BBnNRM can also be used as a builtJin drillK fnstructions for that application are
klTbW krMBbop cliiltfkd mAoT kAMbp TeolrdelrT Tefp MAkrAi
obcbo Tl Teb ClMmlkbkT afAdoAMpK
then you unJbox the drillI remove all parts from the box and inside the drillK oemove
any remaining packaging material as wellK jake sure you haveI and can identify all of the
the following partsW
EOF ieg crames EORTF
EOF ieg Braces EOSNF
EOF clue qrim EOPOF
EOF `himney `ap Assemblies EOPRF
EOF drease Buckets EOQPF
EOF iocking `asters EOQQF
EOF `asters EOQRF
EOF morcelain drills EORSF
EOF drease arain mans EORPF
EOF eeat Baffles EORNF
ENF eardware hit EOQSF with Q BoltsI U pcrews and NO tashers
vou will need to complete the assembly process which includesW
NF jounting the ieg crames EORTF to the drillK
OF Attaching the ieg Braces EOSNFK
PF fnstalling the `asters EOQQI OQRFK
QF jounting the `himney `ap Assemblies EOPRFK
RF mositioning the eeat Baffles EORNF over the cirepots ENMOFK
SF petting the drease arain mans EORPF over the eeat Baffles EORNFK
TF mlacing the morcelain drills EORSF on the drill pupportsK
UF eanging the drease Buckets EOQPF on the Bucket eooksK
Tllip prmmifba clo AppbMBivW
ENF TLNS” wrench
ENF mhillips screwdriver
collow these step by step instructions and you will be cookin’ in no time!