Operators Manual - Pentruder Modular Drilling system
Fig. 17. Tool kit.
Quick disconnects:
Check all quick disconnect couplings for correct function and cleanliness.
Remote Control unit:
Check the remote control unit for correct function and that the multi-pin-plug
is free from dirt and undamaged.
Water feed:
Check that the machine can be supplied with clean cold water.
Check that all hoses are the correct type, R2 for the main ¾” hoses, and
that they are in faultless condition.
Oil level in the
power pack:
On the 76 mm level indicator the oil should be up to 1/3 of the glass when
the power pack is switched off, with the new 127 mm level indicator the oil
should be up to 2/3 of the glass when the power pack is switched off.
Power supply:
Check if sufficient power is available on the site. The machine must be
connected to a 5-pin 400/230 (depending on version) V 3-phase supply with
minimum 25 (16) Amp fuses.
Pentpak 25 Pentpak 15
Currrent idling
11 Amp
9 Amp
Current at 8 kW
16 Amp
Current at 15 kW
26 Amp
30 Amp
Current at 20 kW
36 Amp
Current at 25 kW
45 Amp
Safety precautions
on the site:
Check with the foreman responsible that all necessary precautions
have been performed before commencing work. Await the approval
of the safety precautions and mounting position of the machine from
a responsible person before work is commenced.
Show all persons involved how the emergency stop on the machine
is working.
If there is a possibility that Drill CORES may fall causing injury or damage to
persons or property then they must be secured before starting work. The risk area must be
roped off and a responsible person left in charge, in a safe place, to prevent entry of
unauthorised persons.