Operators Manual - Pentruder Modular Drilling system
Shutting off the electrical motor of the power pack
The electrical motor is started and stopped electrically via the remote control unit. It is
important to stop the drill bit completely before turning off the electric motor in the power pack,
especially when using large diameter bits.
Emergency stop button
The Pentpak 15/25 is equipped with 2 emergency stop buttons, one on the remote control
unit, and one on the power pack front panel. By depressing at least one of the emergency
stop buttons, all functions will be reset. No functions will remain and the power pack must be
restarted after the emergency stop button is released.
The drill bit, if in rotation, and in a cut, will continue to rotate because of its inertia, but will
coast to a stop after a few seconds. If the drill bit is rotating and not in a cut, it will take longer
before the drill bit stops.
Transportation of the power pack
Whenever the power pack is transported in a vehicle, it is important that it is securely
strapped down and well protected. The power pack should preferably be transported standing
on its wheel and foot, but can be laid down resting on its handles. We can not guarantee that
no oil leaks out but generally there is no problem.
Transport, wheels
The Pentpak 15/25 is equipped with two wheels for transportation. The tyre pressure should
be 2 bar / cm2.
Thermal protection relay
The Pentpak 15/25 is equipped with a thermal switch to protect the electric motor from
overheating and damage to the electric motor. The temperature of the electric motor can rise
to a dangerous level if too little cooling water is run through the system. It can also happen
that too warm or dirty water is run through the system, which will reduce the cooling capacity.
A special thermal switch therefore monitors the temperature of the electric motor windings
and shuts down all functions when the temperature has risen over the allowed value. The
thermal temperature relay function can only be reset by removing the 63 Amp plug from the
power pack. If the relay has shut down the power pack, do not shut off the cooling water, but
let it continue to flow to cool the motor down to a healthy temperature again.
Note: Repeated starting attempts of an overheated power pack, running with too little or to
warm cooling water will damage the electric motor beyond repair. If the power pack shuts
down because of overheating, i.e. it cannot be started using the normal starting procedure,
the cooling water must n´be left flowing the power pack to cool down the motor.
Oil vent
To reduce the weight and dimensions of the power pack, the Pentpak 25 uses a very
small amount of oil. Consequently, there is no big oil tank to take care of air bubbles and let
them slowly rise to the surface and disappear. In the Pentpak 25, the problem with air bubbles
is instead eliminated by use of a special “turbo charger” which feeds the main pump with
pressurised oil. The result is that much less, air bubbles are produced and there is no need
for a big oil tank.