Operator’s manual for Pentruder 8-20HF/iQ and Pentpak HF-power pack – Original instructions
Page 29
Connecting to
remote control:
The multi pin connector must be in the correct position with the notch
pointing upwards for the clamping ring to close.
Power supply:
The power pack must be connected to a 5-pin 380 - 480 V 3-phase
supply with minimum 16 Amp fuses. A neutral is NOT needed other than
for the 230V single phase supply.
Connecting to mains:
The power pack is equipped with a 32 Amp receptacle. To use other
sizes than 32 Amp plugs an adaptor must be fitted.
32 Amp 5-
pin Euro
230V (on a
400V supply)
max 10 Amp.
A neutral is
needed to the
32 Amp
receptacle for
the 230V to
10 Amp