Operator’s manual for Pentruder 8-20HF/iQ and Pentpak HF-power pack – Original instructions
Page 13
Preparation and mounting of track feet and tracks
Bolts for fastening:
The track feet and the tracks should be mounted in such a way that they
can not become detached when the machine is working, or at sudden
changes in load on the anchor bolts.
The track feet are designed to fit the track to the surface the machine will
work on. The feet must be fixed by means of M12 x 60 (1/2” x 2”) screws
of 10.9 quality, or better, using a thick washer and anchors of type HKD
M12 (1/2”) or equivalent. See picture below.
Warning! If HKD anchors or other high quality expansion anchors cannot be fixed securely,
the track feet must be securely fixed with through bolts and large washers to achieve the
required level of safety.
Positioning of feet:
The track feet should preferably be mounted in the position shown in the
picture above. The distance from the edge of the feet to centre of cut is
then 127 mm (5”). The distance from anchor bolt to centre of cut is 217 +-
25 mm (8.54 +- 1”).
The track feet are designed to fit the track to the surface the machine will
work on. The feet must be fixed by means of M12 x 50 (1/2” x 2”) screws
of 10.9 quality, or better, using a thick washer and anchors of type HKD
M12 (1/2”) or equivalent.
Alternative position
of track feet:
In certain circumstances it is impossible to mount the track feet as shown
in the picture below. If the track feet must be mounted differently, this may
affect the stability of the track. If this is the case, more track feet should
be fitted to spread the load and increase stability.