Hygiene Equipment
Designed for People
Routine maintenance TR Comfortline
Annual maintenance and inspection:
Air Spa:
If your Comfortline II is equipped with an Air Spa perform a function test according to the instructions in
the Operating manual.
Make sure that it works properly and that the dry blowing function works after use.
The dry blowing function starts 15-30 minutes after use of Air Spa depending on which Air Spa solution
the tub is equipped with. The dry blowing function runs for approximately 2 minutes.
See table of content in the Operating manual and read the Air Spa chapter to see which Air Spa you
Comfortline II are equipped with, how it works and how to clean it.
If your Comfortline is equipped with the Esprit Air Spa make sure that the Air jet valves are in correct
position. See Operating manual for correct position.
If your Comfortline II is equipped with an Autofill function perform a function test according to the
instructions in the Operating manual. See table of content in the Operating manual and read the Autofill
chapter to see which Autofill solution your Comfortline II is equipped with and how it works.
LED color light system:
If your Comfortline II is equipped with a LED color light system perform a function test according to the
instructions in the Operating manual. See table of content and read the LED color light system chapter to
see which LED color light system your Comfortline II is equipped with and how it works.
Music (MP3, Bluetooth and AUX):
If your Comfortline II is equipped with a Music system perform a function test according to the instructions
in the Operating manual. See table of content and read the Music system chapter to see which Music
system your Comfortline II is equipped with and how it works.