Appendix A: General Maintenance (continued)
Flue Probe Integrity Check
NOTE: Perform this check after performing the Pump Operation Check outlined
on the previous page.
1. Turn the analyzer on as outlined on page 8. Do not connect anything to the
inlet. Wait until the analyzer has completed the initial purge and sensor check
and is operating normally prior to proceeding to step 2.
2. Connect the A763 mini pump protection filter and flue probe assembly to the
inlet of the analyzer and the yellow thermocouple connector to input T1.
3. Repeatedly press the Scroll/Enter key until temperature is displayed. If the
displayed temperature is approximately the ambient temperature the thermo-
couple is operating properly and you may proceed to the next step to continue
the test. If the displayed temperature is “OL” the thermocouple is open and the
probe is in need of factory service.
4. Cover the end of the flue probe with a small piece of tube and pinch the end
close. After a short period of time the analyzer should display “FLO ERR” and a
rapid beeping should be heard. If this happens the flue probe his operating
properly and the integrity test is complete. If the analyzer does not display “FLO
ERR” this is an indication of a possible leak somewhere in the flue probe and
you may proceed to the next step for further tests.
5. Pinch the hose below the handle of the flue probe. If the analyzer displays
“FLO ERR” there is a leak in the handle assembly and the probe needs to be fac-
tory serviced. If the analyzer does not display “FLO ERR” proceed to the next
step for further tests.
6. Pinch the hose between the analyzer and the water trap. If “FLO ERR” still
does not display there may be an internal leak, pump problem, or other issue
and the analyzer needs to be factory serviced. If “FLO ERR” is displayed there is
a leak in the water trap assembly and the water trap assembly should be
checked as outlined on page 39 & 40.