Let By Pressure Test Mode
With the analyzer running, press the Func Key repeatedly to access the Let By
pressure test function (Tightness test). In this mode the 717 can perform a
standing pressure test. (This feature is used predominately in the U.K.)
“Let By” will be shown at the top of the display and the
pump will stop running when in this function.
1. Ensure you have Pressure Sampling Tube connected to the (+) Pressure
Port and there are no restriction in the tubing.
2. Zero the display by pressing the Down Arrow Key.
3. Connect the tube to the device under test and press Go (Enter Key).
4. Once “GO” is pressed the analyzer will begin a 60 second countdown and
Wait will display in the lower left corner of the display.
5. After the countdown is displayed “Pass” and “Fail” will be displayed. If the
pressure bled down out of specficiation for the device under test then “Fail”
should be pressed (Down Arrow Key) and the test is over. The results can be
printed by pressing the print key or stored by pressing the save key.
6. If the device did not leak down then “Pass” is pressed (Up Arrow Key) and
the screen changes to “Stabilize”. Press Go (Enter Key).
7. Once “GO” is pressed the analyzer will begin a 60 second countdown and
Wait will display in the lower left corner of the display.