C H A R G I N G S Y S T E M - Alternator & Regulator
2. P r e - c h e c k of this test.
a. L o o s e installation of the alter
nator .
n. Pan belt tension.
c . Burnt-out fuse in the fuse block.
d. Charging system w irin gs.
3. Disconnect the " B " terminal lead
w ir e from the alternator, and con
nect the regulator tester as shown
in figure 8-4.
4. Ch^ck the voltage and amperage
of the alternator regulator at n o r
mal operating temperature.
Start the engine and increase the
engine revolution gradually until
the engine revolution reaches from
700 ~ 2,300 rpm. Read the voltage
which should be 13 . 8 ~ 14 . 8 volts ,
and the current should be less
than 10 am peres.
A current flow considerably higher
than that specified a b o v e , indicates
that the battery is discharged o r
the battery plates a r e shorted.
If the voltmeter needle vibrates,
it indicates that the regulator points
a re rough o r improper connection
of " F 11 terminal.
If the voltmeter indicates m ore than
that specified above, it is the in
dication of the following symptoms.
a. Voltage regulator low speed
point gap is too w id e.
b . Voltage
regulator low speed
points melted o r high p r e s s u re
c . Voltage
regulator high speed
point gap is too w id e.
d. P o o r contact of voltage regu
lator high speed point,
e . Voltage regulator o r relay coil
circuit opened.
f . P o o r contact of voltage relay
g. Defective regulator ground.
5. Stop the engine, and turn the igni
tion switch to first position to the
Check the voltage between
" F " and " E " terminals using the
regulator tester as shown in figure
F ig . 8-5
Checking Voltage
Between 11F " & " E "
T h e voltage should be 12 volts.
If the reading of the voltmeter is
z e r o voltage o r low voltage than
the specified voltage, it indicates
the following symptoms.
a. Opened o r p oor contact of f u s e ,
regulator "IG " terminal w ir e
o r " F 11 terminal w ir e .
b . Regulator
high speed points
6 . Disconnect the regulator connector
plug, and check the resistance
between the regulator MIG M
" F M
terminals with a circuit tester.
T h e r e should be no resistance.
If there is any resistance, it in
dicates that the voltage regulator
low speed points contact p o o rly .
F ig . 8-6
Checking Resistance G0163
B etw een " IG " & " F "
Содержание 3R-B 1969
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