The 3F-E engines are an in-line 6-cylinder engine
with the cylinders numbered 1 -2-3-4-5-6 from the
front. The crankshaft is supported by 4 bearings
specified by the inside of the crankcase.
The crankshaft is integrated with 9 weights which
are cast along with it for balance. Oil holes are built
into the center of the crankshaft for supplying oil to
the connecting rods, pistons and other components.
These engine's ignition order is 1 -5-3-6-2-4. The
cylinder head is made of case iron, with a counter-
flow type intake and exhaust layout and with wedge
type combustion chambers. The spark plugs are lo-
cated in the right side of the combustion chambers.
Exhaust and intake valves are equipped with ir-
regular pitch springs which are capable of following
the valves even at high engine speeds.
Each valve lifter is lifted up by the rotation of the
camshaft so that valve is driven via a push rod and
rocker arm.
The camshaft is located in the cylinder block. The
camshaft is turned by the crankshaft by means of the
ti ming gears. To rotate the camshaft once, the
crankshaft must rotate twice because the camshaft
ti ming gear has twice as many teeth as the
crankshaft timing gear.
Pistons are made of high temperature-resistant
aluminum alloy.
Piston pins are the full-floating type, with the pins
fastened to neither the piston boss nor the connect-
ing rods. Instead, snap rings are fitted on both ends
of the pins, preventing the pins from falling out.
The No. 1 compression ring is made of steel and
the No. 2 compression ring is made of cast iron. The
oil ring is made of a combination of steel and stain-
less steel. The outer diameter of each piston ring is
slightly larger than the diameter of the piston and
the flexibility of the rings allows them to hug the
cylinder walls when they are mounted on the piston.
Compression rings No. 1 and No. 2 work to prevent
the leakage of gas from the cylinder and the oil ring
works to scrape oil off the cylinder walls to prevent
it from entering the combustion chamber.
The cylinder block is made of cast iron. It has 6
cylinders which are approximately 1.6 times the
length of the piston stroke. The top of the cylinders
is closed off by the cylinder head and the lower end
of the cylinders becomes the crankcase, in which
the crankshaft is installed. In addition, the cylinder
block contains a water jacket, through which
coolant is pumped to cool the cylinders.
The oil pan is bolted onto the bottom of the cylin-
der block. The oil pan is an oil reservoir made of
pressed steel sheet. A dividing plate is included in-
side the oil pan to keep sufficient oil in the bottom
of the pan even when the vehicle is tilted. This di-
viding plate also prevents the oil from making waves
when the vehicle is stopped suddenly and thus
shifting the oil away from the oil pump suction pipe.