Fig #18
Slide the pilot adjustment band over and
ensure that the hole in the orifi ce band
is showing.
Fig. #17a shows NG position
Fig. #17b shows LP position)
Remove the access panel, 10 screws,
and set aside.
Lift the control box shield and rest on
the edge of the screw above the
access hole (Fig. #18)
9. Remove the minimum rate screw
located in the valve. (Fig. #19)
The minimum rate screw is sealed with
an O-ring. Use a thin bladed
screwdriver to back the screw out past
the limit of the threading. At this point
a groove on the screw body will be
visible just above the valve body. Insert
a thin tool (knife blade or fi ne
screwdriver blade) into the groove and
gently pry the screw up. It helps to
rotate the screw while lifting on it.
10. Replace the minimum rate screw with
the one provided in the propane con-
version kit supplied with this fi replace.
Ensure that the screw is fully seated.
(Fig. #20)
Fig #17a
Fig #19
Fig #20
Fig #17b
Fig #18
TCWS.54NG04.C 040907