6. Secure the burner tray to legs using
A light will aid aligning the holes in
the tray with the leg
Check air shutter for correct fuel
setting before proceeding further.
Both burners are the same
7. Install the right burner by tipping into
location trough and slipping the
venturi tube over the orifi ce. Test for
connection by lifting at a location pin
on the right side of the burner.
Repeat with left burner. (Fig. #7)
The burners should be tightly
butted up against each other at the
center to ensure correct operation.
8. Place sand into the burner tray and
brush smooth. Use caution not to get
sand near the burner ports. (Fig. #8)
9. Place rear pebble cluster over the
burner. Use the pins on the burner
and holes in the pebble cluster to
locate the pebbles on the burner.
Cluster may require a slight
adjustment to align pin holes.
Fig #6
Fig #9
Fig #8
Fig #7
TCWS.54NG04.C 040907