1. Remove front panel base. Also remove rear panel base if Black
Diamond Burner is fitted.(Fig. #41)
2. Push up on the heat shield, at the right end of the unit near
the middle, enough to clear the securing tab. (Fig. #42)
3. Pull the top of the right panel toward the center of the unit
using caution not to scratch the back panel. (Fig. #43)
4. Once the right panel is tilted inwards it can be lifted clear of
the burner tray and removed.
NOTE: The right hand side rock cluster may need to be removed to
prevent damage while working through the access hole. Covering
the sand with paper or cardboard will also minimize disturbance
during the servicing proccess.
5. The access panel is now visible (Fig. #44) and can be removed
as described on Pg. 13.
6. Reassemble in reverse order.
WARNING: The access panel including gasket
must be reinstalled after conversion/ installation
or servicing has been completed. Failure to do so
will cause overheating and premature failure of
the control system.
Fig. #44
Fig. #43
Fig. #42
Fig. #41
TCWS.38CE3 250313-44
Quick Panel Removal for Valve Service