The handy, 9.75" x 7.75" x 11.75" Easy Tote features a large top
tray, deep drawer, shelf for a quart jug of fuel (not included) and
foam-padded cradles for model maintenance. Just glue together
the interlocking ply parts and it's ready for use.
A wide nozzle on Tower’s Deluxe Heat Gun ensures uniform,
drum-tight "shrink" over wide areas—and it can't scratch because
it never touches the covering's surface. Includes heavy-duty motor
and adjustable air intake for precise heat/air control.
Light and bright, TowerKote makes multi-color trim schemes a
breeze. Its low heat requirements are ideal for use with foam and
most plastics, and the film’s pliability let it conform easily to
corners and curves. Available in 9 colors and 6’ x 26” rolls.
Tower Hobbies’ thermostat-controlled Custom Sealing Iron tacks
covering tight anywhere. It features a tapered, upswept, non-stick
sole for easy use in the tightest corners; a cool, comfortable
wooden handle; and a metal stand to protect your work surface.
Use this two-view drawing to plan your trim scheme
Covering (TOWQ1000-1008)
Custom Sealing Iron
Deluxe Heat Gun
Easy Tote
Field Box