9. Cut any other holes necessary for the nose gear, fueling
line, muffl er pressure line, glow plug igniter, etc.
10. Once all the holes are cut and the cowl will fi t over
the engine and muffl er, use 320-grit sandpaper to sand the
edges of the cutouts smooth and even.
11. Here’s a close-up of the fi nished cowl.
Mount the Cowl
Now that the cowl can be positioned all the way over the
engine and muffl er, it may be mounted to the fuselage.
1. Use a straightedge and a fi ne-point, felt-tip pen to mark
the middle of the fi rewall down both sides of the fuselage.
The ink lines can be removed later with denatured alcohol,
but if you still prefer not to mark directly on the covering you
can mark over strips of tape.
2. Mark another line down both sides of the fuselage 2"
[50mm] aft of the fi rst line. (We marked these lines over
masking tape so they would be easier to see over the
blue trim.)