Mount the Landing Gear
Landing gear
angled back.
1. Use a metal fi le to grind a fl at spot in the back of one
of the main landing gear wires.
The landing gear wires
toward the wing trailing edge.
2. Mount a 3" [75mm] main wheel to the landing gear
wire with two wheel collars and two M3 x 5 Phillips screws
and threadlocker.
3. Use two fl at landing gear straps as a guide to drill 3/32"
[2.4mm] holes into the landing gear block in the left wing.
4. Enlarge the holes in the two landing gear straps with
a 1/8" [3.2mm] drill.
5. Mount the main landing gear to the rail in the wing with
two straps and four M3 x 10 screws. Trim the slots as needed
so the wires fi t fl ush.
6. Mount the other landing gear and wheel to the other
wing the same way.
Join the Wing Halves
1. Test-fi t both wing halves together with the nylon alignment
pin and the hardwood wing joiner. Make any adjustments for
a good fi t.