3. If powering your Sport with a glow engine, apply a fi lm
of epoxy or CA to edges of the covering around the nose
and fi rewall to seal from fuel and exhaust residue. It would
also be a good idea to use an epoxy brush to fuelproof the
back of the fi rewall and the fuel tank area as well.
Hook Up the Ailerons
1. Attach a 12" [300mm] servo extension to each aileron
servo. Use 1/2" [13mm] heat shrink tubing, tape or a dab of
glue to secure the connections.
Refer to this image while mounting the aileron servos
and hooking up the ailerons.
Do the left wing fi rst…
Cut out
2. If necessary, enlarge the servo cutout to fi t your servo.
3. Use the string to pull the aileron servo wire through the
wing and fi t the servo into the servo openings.
4. Drill 1/16" [1.6mm] holes for the servo mounting screws
in the wing and in the aileron for the control horn screws
care not to drill through the top of the aileron).
1/16" [1.5 mm]
Servo Arm
90º Connector
5. Enlarge the holes in the servo arm with a #50 [.070"]
drill. Mount the servo and horn, make the pushrod and
hook up the aileron using the hardware shown for servo
arms for pushrods.
6. After mounting the aileron horns, remove the screws,
harden the holes with a few drops of thin CA, allow to harden,
and then reinstall the screws.
7. Install the aileron servo and linkage in the right wing
the same way.